Thursday, 7 August 2008

Look at what I have been doing this evening

I have finally ventured into the world of digi scrapping - have been looking at it for a while - but have decided to dip my toe in tonight and this is my first attempt...

This was taken at dd's last sports day at preschool - quite quirky really as when she first started ds was also there and they did their first sports day together - she was so shy he ran with her when it was her turn - bless him. Well this time - the first sports day had been cancelled due to inclement weather so the following thursday my sons school had closed a day early for the summer holidays so he was able to attend her sports day - when we got there - the teachers said that siblings could join in - so we started her at preschool with her big brother and we finished it with her by side too - aint that nice!!!

and second

This is when my baby first went to school for an official visit in June - ready for starting in September - she has been many a time with her big brother but this is the first time as a future pupil - sniff sniff - where's that darned pack of tissues!!!

Then onto my third attempt - hey I am enjoying myself here

This was taken at Grandmas - we were playing out in the garden with a bottle of bubbles and she decided to be a little madam and have a sulky so I told her as we often do when she has a little strop that she must have her crabby pants on today - not impressed - definitely didnt like it - grumped even more for a while until she got over it - lol!!! Bless her!

I couldn't do the above one without balancing it out and showing you her beautiful smile - it melts my heart even on the most haphazard of days.

It has taken me a while to figure out how to upload the piccies of my digital layouts but hey now I have done it - I am thrilled. It is now nearly 1 am - I am gonna be so tired tomorrow - so nighty night all

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