Sunday 4 January 2009

At Grandma and Grandad's House

When we got to Grandma and Grandads ...Santa had got muddled up and left a couple of presents for the children there - I mean he is so busy this time of year isn' t he. and we took Grandma and Grandads main pressie with us - a Pamper Day at the Marriott Hotel. So on arrival it was opening pressies time again - which was lovely

Our two got a vtech camera for Chrimbo from Santa and they were going around snapping photos of all sorts and Grandma naturally thought they were pretend cameras so she weas quite happy smiling and posing away for them - until she realised that they were real and she hadnt had her hair done yet - oh noooo!!!!

Grandma if you are reading scroll down to the bottom and you can see your photo session!!!!

Ha ha

Only joking Grandma

Grandma - sorry but I had to include this one of you and your posh rubber gloves - I know you are a good sport and won't mind - really!
Hugs and kisses

Grandad with a brew how unusual!!!
The sun always shines on.... chuckles!

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