Today I..... saw that the lovely Rosie had given me an award - thanks it is...
hmmm now what do I do with it - pass it on I guess - like a smile pass it on and it spreads and spreads into one big smiley!! ...SO here we go..
It is my pleasure to pass this along to 5 other cyber-friends who have touched my life. It's a great way to show someone that you appreciate them; what their support means to you; and how you appreciate them.
I know I said 5 - guess I can't count - tee hee chuckles!!
Today I sat in my craft room with Jessica
laying near my feet quite contented. Did I tell you we took her to the vets last week and she is indeed a Jessica and not a John or a Jimbo. It was rather funny actually - when we came out of the Vets - My son said to me - Mummy that was gross - what was Darling - that red thing he says - what red thing son - when the man lifted Jessica up to see if she was a boy or a girl - Yes darling (bearing in mind they are more at eye level where as I was stood up holding Jessica) well he lifted Jess to look - this red thing came out of her bum Mum and it was gross!!!! What do you say to a comment like that! I had to smile
Last night - we had snow - our back lawn was covered so the children and I set to and started to make a snowman - luckily Daddy came in from work soon after we had started and came to help
Smashing photos of your friendly looking snowman...its been fun hasn't it with more expected, fingers crosssed.
Thanks for my reward, I shall get round to displaying when I find the rest of my hours in the day lol.
Oh I love those photos hun.
and thank you so much for the award it's much appreciated.
Smoochies xx
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